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Physiotherapy is a physical form of healthcare anchored in the sciences of movement and focusing on rehabilitation, managing acute and chronic physical ailments, and promoting optimal mobility and physical health.

Goals of Physiotherapy:
  • Identify the Goal or Problem

  • Physical Rehabilitation

  • Therapeutic exercise programs

  • Functional independence and physical performance

  • Preventing injury, disability and disease

  • Educating patients to prevent recurrence, re-injury or functional decline

  • Planning and monitoring maintenance and support programs


During the first visit, a thorough History and Examination combine with experienced clinical evidenced-based reasoning to arrive at a diagnosis. Your goals and options for treatment will then be discussed, including:

  • What each visit will consist of

  • How frequent & how long the visits will be

  • What you will do at home or gym between visits

  • When you should expect to see results

Physical Therapy Session

Physiotherapy treatments can include the following:


  • ​​Personalized patient care to improve balance, strength, range of motion and function

  • Hands-On treatment to reduce pain and stiffness and improve mobility

  • Modern Therapeutic Equipment (such as Cold Laser and Shockwave Therapy) to maximize progress in terms of pain and function, and minimize down time

  • Functional activity and tolerance testing and training

  • Prescription and directed use of assistive, adaptive, supportive and protective devices and equipment

  • Work and occupational re-training and return to work planning

  • Workstation or Home Environment adaptation with a focus on removing functional barriers

Banu Bee

"Would highly recommend the physiotherapist Amrita from this facility! She gave me great advice on the upkeep of my knee issue and tested thoroughly to make sure my meniscus wasn't torn. Couldn't be more happy!"

Mon - Fri

9:00 am – 8:00 pm


9:00 am – 5:00 pm



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